Please take note that our Dartmouth Lab and store is moving to unit 110 , 204 Brownlow ave and will close at noon on July 19 and reopen 9am July 23. Some services will be affected before the move date.

photo printing

Photo prints, reprints, prints from slides, film & scanning services

Digital Prints Online

Quick and simple solutions for all your photo printing needs! Create stunning, pro quality prints with our quick and easy to use online ordering system. Printed on archival quality lustre paper, your favorite pictures will last a lifetime. Click the button below to get started right away.

Not in town? No problem! We ship anywhere in Canada!

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View our pricelist

Film Developing, Printing & Scanning

We still develop and print film just as we always have. We can convert your colour or black and white film into digital files that can be printed on any paper or product that your digital files can be printed on.

We are proud that we are one of the last companies in the region providing this valuable service. For more info on our film printing and
developing go here.

Print to Print or Print Copy Service

Don't have the negative? Tired of searching? No problem - we can make a
copy of your photograph. We can even enhance the brightness and contrast to provide you with a quality print. If you have hundreds of prints to copy we have an economical solution with Our Shoebox Scanning service.

Bring us your prints and we can convert them to digital files. From there you can select which you would like to print; or share your files with friends and family!

More info here.

Prints from Slides and Slide Scanning

Do you have a great photograph on a slide that you want to share but you prefer not to get out the projector? Come in to Atlantic Photo Supply and have prints made from your slides.

If you have hundreds of slides, you will be interested in our bulk scanning service. Bring in or mail us your carousels or slide boxes and we can convert them to digital files that can be printed or shared.

More info here!

Prints to CD

Looking for any easy way of storing and viewing photographs? Have your prints scanned and transferred to a convenient archival CD or DVD for

Designed to keep your images intact for over 100 years, Atlantic Photo offers the safest choice. Let us do the work for you!


At Atlantic Photo Supply we can make copies of a favourite print, whether you have the negative, slide, or just the print itself.

And, if the colour of the photograph needs to be tweaked, we can do that as well! Contact store for more information.

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