Frequently Asked Questions


Custom Framing

Custom Framing

Do you offer Custom Framing?
Yes! Custom Framing is offered through both stores and the work is completed at our Dartmouth location.
What is the turnaround time?
Typical turnaround time for Custom Framing is 3-4 weeks.
What does Custom Framing typically cost?
It is nearly impossible to give a price range when dealing with Custom Framing. Generally, we can predict that the smaller the frame, the more affordable it is..but if an 'expensive' moulding is chosen, a larger frame with a more cost-effective moulding may end up being more affordable.

Custom Framing prices vary and depend on the frame size and style, as well as the materials being used.
For example, we offer a choice between regular or non-reflective glass; choosing regular over non-reflective glass will decrease the cost of your Custom Framing project. You can save money (or spend slightly more) by choosing certain sizes and materials over others.

How does my choice of mat affect the overall look of my frame?
There are many ways to display artwork, and a mat can make all the difference. Here are some different mat style options for your custom frame that can affect the final look of your custom framing project.  
No mat: this is a great way to obtain a very popular modern and minimalist look, plus it will save money as well because your frame will be smaller than if a mat had been chosen.

An oversized mat: this has become a very popular method for accentuating a smaller piece of artwork, and can be done with larger pieces of artwork as well depending on the final look you may be going for. This will no doubt add visual intrigue and interest to your art, but will also increase the overall price as a larger frame than necessary will be required to complete your project.

A double mat:
this is a cost-effective way to increase visual interest and draw more attention to your art. A double mat can have two mats of the same colour or tone, or can be two completely different colours/mat styles.

Choosing a neutral mat colour:
choosing a muted mat colour will compliment your artwork rather than distract from it, making it “pop and drawing the eye to it. 

Choosing a bold mat colour:
in some instances, a bold coloured mat can add to - rather than distract from - the overall look and feel of your artwork. This depends on many things, including the individual artwork and the colour scheme and style of the room it will be displayed in. 

A weighted bottom
: rather than having a mat with all four sides of equal width, this is when the bottom margin is taller (or wider) than the top and sides of the mat. This can elevate and add elegance to your artwork, and is a more traditional matting method.

Multiple openings
: this mat style is meant for highlighting multiple artwork pieces in the same frame, which can save money overall. The artworks should (but don’t necessarily haveto) be complimentary pieces that are similar in style, size and colour.
What are some things to consider when custom framing a piece of artwork?
At the end of the day, all decisions are up to you. You don’t have to adhere to any specific set of rules!
That being said…
Custom Framing is meant to serve the artwork, with a goal of making it the center of attention. Don’t change your artwork to fit a specific frame, your frame needs to fit the artwork. That is why you always start with a specific piece of art before beginning the custom framing process of first choosing a frame and mat, etc.

You may consider the style/design of the room in which the art will be displayed, but don’t let it control your choices. Remember, firstly, that the goal is to serve the artwork. You can definitely let environmental characteristics influence your colour choices, but overall compatibility with the art should still play a role in the choice of mat and frame.
What are some things to consider when choosing a mat and frame?
1. As a general rule, the width of the mat and the frame moulding should be obviously different. For example, if the matting is 3" wide, the moulding should be 2" wide (or less) or 4" wide (or more).
2. Don’t be afraid of large mat borders. They create a visually pleasing space between the artwork and the frame, and tend to make your art look "important." Narrow mats can distract the eye with too many patterns of lines surrounding the artwork and tend to look skimpy on artwork larger than 8x10.
3. Prior to choosing a frame style and mat colour, assess the artwork and note the following: its dominant color value. Its overall temperature. Its style.

A color's value is where it falls on the white to black scale.  When it falls more toward white it's a tint; when it falls more toward black it's a shade; in between are tones. You will want to select mat and frame colors that share (but not necessarily match) the artwork's dominant colour value.

The overall
temperature is the appearance of either warm (oranges, reds, yellows, browns, golds) or cool (violets, blues, greens, pinks) colors in the artwork. The art will probably have a mix of colors, but you will be looking for the temperature that seems to dominate. You will want to select mat and frame colors that share the artwork's dominant temperature.

Consider the
style of the artwork. Is it Contemporary? Classical? Rustic? Modern? Does it give you bright, positive, upbeat feelings, or dark and brooding ones? Choosing a frame moulding that matches the style of the artwork is key to presenting your art effectively in a custom frame.

What types of glass do you offer?
Regular glass:
  • Reflective
  • Doesn’t block UV rays
  • Most cost-effective option
Museum glass:
  • Non-reflective
  • Blocks 99 percent of UV rays
  • More expensive than Regular glass
No glass can protect 100 percent against UV rays. The best preventive measure is to also install a UV-filtering film on your windows. Even if only 1 percent of UV rays gets through, it can affect the artwork over time.